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•   Lori VerCrouse (Spears)  6/28
•   Deborah Crawford (Nipper)  6/24
•   Ted Rossier  6/20
•   Penny Christian (Sutton)  6/18
•   Starla Hash (Hodges)  6/11
•   Cindy Combee (Rodriguez)  5/31
•   Lynn Wright (Muniz)  5/30
•   Barry Miksell (Miksell)  5/29
•   Brian Adams  5/9
•   Donna Ann Renna (Figueredo)  5/7
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

7 live in Alabama
1 lives in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
5 live in California
3 live in Colorado
331 live in Florida
21 live in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
1 lives in Louisiana
1 lives in Maine
2 live in Maryland
1 lives in Massachusetts
3 live in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Missouri
1 lives in New Hampshire
1 lives in New Mexico
2 live in New York
9 live in North Carolina
3 live in Ohio
2 live in Oklahoma
2 live in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
4 live in South Carolina
6 live in Tennessee
11 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
3 live in Virginia
2 live in Washington
1 lives in Wisconsin
78 location unknown
84 are deceased


•   Jerry "Jay" Bryan  7/28
•   Cheryl Eddins (Dehaven)  7/28
•   Mike Richardson  7/28
•   Bonny Bussman (Peters)  7/29
•   Richard Anderson  8/3
•   Sonia Milligan (Buck)  8/3
•   Lori VerCrouse (Spears)  8/3
•   Gale Kelly (Taylor)  8/6
•   Sheryl (Lynn) Paul (Turcotte)  8/6
•   Granger Noles  8/13
•   Randy Bridges  8/16
•   Rita Alvar (Kjenaas)  8/18
•   Lynne Dollar (Porter)  8/18
•   Bonnie Crosson (Mulvahill)  8/19
•   Delores Waters (Hux)  8/23
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 40.4%

A:   210   Joined
B:   310   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


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Welcome to the Kathleen Senior High Class of 1975 web site!!




Hello Classmates! We are in the process of gathering information for our big 50th Class Reunion next year. We would like an idea of how many are planning on attending to help us in making sure the venues we are researching have enough room.  The time of year is still up in the air.  (Most likely Spring or Fall).

Please take a moment and click on "POLL FOR 50TH CLASS REUNION" on the left side of this page.  There are only 2 questions that will assist the Committee tremendously in planning.

ALSO, several of you have moved since our 40th Class Reunion. Please take a moment to update your information. Please share our link with any Classmates who may not have registered yet. IF you forgot your password, send me a message and I will reset for you.

Thank you in advance! Go Big RED!!!!!

Your reunion committee


We still have 81 Classmates that we have not been able to locate.  If you have any information on any of them please encourage them to register or e-mail me the information.  We also have 312 classmates who have not joined this site.  Please encourage your classmate friends to do so.


Each reunion we see our attendance increasing and as always, we plan on making our 50th even better. We look forward to seeing each of you in 2025.

Feel free to contact Terry Ferris Vaughan or click on CONTACT US if you have any questions.


NOTE:  Due to fees incurred by this site the Preferred payment method is Pay Pal (with debit or credit card) or Check.  You do NOT have to have a Pay Pal account to utilize their site.

All information on this site is confidential.  For information on Class Creator and how it works, please click on the First Time Visitors link on left hand side of this page.


Use Contact Us tab for any questions or assistance.


  KHS Alma Mater


So proud we stand, so firm so true
Our loyalty we pledge to you.
In this great land where men are free.
Where knowledge gives us liberty,
You, Alma mater are our destiny.
Oh banner wave in red and white,
Our symbol and guiding light.
Through all the years so proudly may you stand,
Hail, Kathleen, Kathleen, Kathleen!