Missing Classmates

Missing Classmates is a list of ALL Classmates who:

1) Have not registered

2) Who have no email address entered in the system.

3) Classmates we have not been able to locate


Once registered the name will drop off the Missing Classmates List.

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Debbie Adam (Norton)
Pamela Anderson
Patricia Anderson (Rooney)
Rosemarie Angulo (Dobson)
Stuart Artman
James Ashcraft
Jonathan Ashcraft
Diane Baker (Pilette)
John Baker
Debra Balchuck (Rice)
Judy Barey
Emmitt Barnes
Sandra Barnes
Willie Barnes
Glenda Bartlett (Kelley)
Randy Baugh
Edna Bell (Choice)
Joseph Bell
Marissa Bell (Mace)
Debbie Bennett (Glenn)
Debra Bennett (Copeland)
John Benton
Laura Berry (Sherrouse)
Herman Blackburn
Rusty Bloodworth
Gary Booth
Charles Borders
Tony Borders
Clarissa Bostic (Frazier)
Rhonda Bowman
Bob Boyd
Pat Bradshaw
James Brock
Nell Uneta Brock (Colson)
Dave Brooks
Sheila Brooks (Bairley)
Brad Brown
Herman Brown
Luvella Brown (Payne)
Vicki Brown (Hampton)
Howell Brown III
Timothy Browning
Raymond Bryant
Susan Bryant (Levasseur)
Kevin Bryie
Kathleen Bucklen (Waters)
Michael Bullard
Mary Burnett
John Burton
Teresa Busbee (Hampton)
Steven Campbell
Thomas Carlton
John Carson
Judy Carter (Character)
Sandi Casey (Holt)
Ellen Cason
Tricia Caudill (Watson)
Marlon Cauley
Gerald Chambers
Kenneth Clark
William Clark
Walter Clayton
Kathleen Cline (Saunders Art Teacher)
Rickie Clinton
Debra Colson (Rice)
Teresa Combs (Hedrick)
John Contorno
Barbara Cook (Peak)
Frances Copeland (Goodman)
Ed Corban
Denise Coston (Glover)
Luther Crews
Sharon Crumbley
Lynda Cummings (Williams)
Jane Davis (Boubouis)
Kenneth Davis
Mark Davis
Rebecca Davis
Richard Degel
Kevin Delozier
Faye Deville
Delores DeVinney (Wynne)
Michael Dickey
Nancy Dickinson
Theresa Dress
Kenneth Dunaway
Walter Early
Nancy Edwards
Daniel Elliott
John Elliott
Marie Emmons (Luther)
Gene Faircloth
Frank Fedele
John Ferry
Ronnie Forte
Chris Foshee
Pam Foshee (Cothren)
Duane Foulk
Ralph Frady
Floyd Freeman
Walter Freeman
Cheryl Fuller
Darlene Gamache (Hill)
Debbie Garofalo (Hardee)
Dawn Gavin (Stancil)
Tommy Gay
Carla Gearhart (McLendon)
Teresa Geiger (Southerland)
Susan Giddens (McGuire)
James Gore
Cheryl Grace (Harris)
Debra Graddy (Allison)
Lisa Graham (Gruenwald)
Suzanne Greenamyre (Yoder)
Charles Griffin
Valinda Grimsley
Debbie Hall (Watkins)
John Hall
Denise Hamme (Wallace)
Teresa Hardie (Whitaker)
Debbie Harrell (Cook)
Wayne Harrell
Lawrence Harris
Lemuel Harris
Joyce Hayes
Roland Haynes
Shirley Henley
Danny Hernandez
Steve Hess
Daryl Hicks
Linda Hicks (Caulder)
Paula Hicks (Knowles)
Patricia Higgins
Julie Hiles (Wilson)
Willie Hinson
Deborah Hodges (Doble)
Joyce Hodges (Bolotin)
Sherrye Hogue (Witter)
Stanley Hover
Lucille Huckery (Bixler)
Clinton Hughes
Walter Hughes
Samuel Hunter
Sandra Huntsman (Holloway)
Terry Inlow
Michael Jenkins
Shirley Johnson
Terry Johnson
Dwayne Jones
Gloria Jones (Monroe)
Shirley Jones (Smith)
Timothy Joseph
Steffery Joyner
Richard Kaley
Debra Keen (Allen)
Kathy Keen (Warner)
Paul Keller
Jo Ann Kempson
Reese King
Brenda Kirkland (Gordon)
Margaret Kirkland
Larry Kittelstad
Stewart Mark Knight
Wanda Knight
Richard Kohl
Alvin Lattimore
Bruce Lawhon
Terry Lesnett
Aubrey Letchworth
Nancy Lewandowski
Jim Lewis
Nancy Louise Lewis
Avery Lipham
Edward Livezey
Jayne London (Yarde)
Mark Lussier
Kevin Madden
John Maddox
Janie Marshall
Debbie Martin
Karen Martin (Coffelt)
Patsy Martin
Susan Mathews
Gary May
Patricia McAfee (Gamble)
David McCoy
Teresa McKinney
Roy McLendon
Sonya McRobie (Mayes)
Richard Michael
Butch Mills
Pam Mills
Curtis Mizell
Machell Moore (Chunn)
Kenneth Moultrie
Jenny Mulling (Cooper)
Ronnie Myers
Barbara Naymon (Jenkins)
Steven Nelson
Vicki Newberry (Richardson)
Jeanie Noble (Lux)
Pierre Nunley
Kaye Oakley (Higgins)
Jim O'Malley
Denise O'Neal (Smith)
Reginald Owens
Patricia Parker (Moore)
Evelyn Patterson
Robert Pettypiece
Rick Plank
Janice Platt
Donna Pope (Lawley)
Robert Porter
Pat Preston (Hines)
Sheria Pugh (Driver)
Gary Radford
Dwayne Rambert
Donna Rentz (Elliott)
Jan Rhodes (McHargue)
Janice Rich (King)
Robert Roach
Bobby Roberts
Chart Roberts
Chris Robinson
Jonathan Robinson
Willie Robinson
Rick Robson
Joe Rogers
Robert Rogers
Terry Rue
Mitchell Sandbrook
Dorinda Sargent (Johnson)
Charles Scott
Jerry Sellars
Mark Shank
Melody Shedd (Dobbins)
Susan Shell (Lawhon)
Ray Sherrouse
David Shoupe
Sammuel Simmons
Charlene Simpson (Hill)
Allen Smith
Gail Smith (McLendon)
Gary Smith
Jack Smith
Linda Smith
Randy Smith
Sharon Smith (Albin)
Clarence Speed
Earnest Starks (Roberts)
Randall Starner
David Stauffer
Jay Stephens
Daryl Stewart
Tom Still
Deryl Stills
Richard Street
Virginia Strite (Kosydar)
Jerri Sutton (Lawless)
Randy Sykes
Mike Tanksley
Lisa Taylor (Chattelle)
Robert Taylor
Susan Taylor
Louise Thompson (Tucci)
Terry Thompson
Joseph Thurman
Richard Trask
Clifton Vandiver
Phillip Vinson
Jerome Vonador
Lisa Walker
Berniece Walskey
Daniel Ward
Sid Ward
Catherine Warden
Kenneth Washburn
Linda Weeks
Kathleen Weiss (Harrison)
Jeffrey Wenk
Eddie White
Emmanuel White
Sharon White
Taunia Wiggs
Kathleen Williams
Robert Williams
Gail Williams (Teacher)
Duane Williamson
Eddrick Willis
Cindy Willoughby (Schumacher)
Paul Wilson
Sidney Wilson
Travis Wilson
Sheila Wilt (Jowers)
Robin Wimberly (Collins)
Thomas Winslow
Reggie Wise
Sheryl Wisham (Sorenson)
Debbie Wood (Romero)
Darrall Woodcock
Sheila Woodham (Brinkley)
Jackie Wyatt
Mike Wyatt
Barbara York (Abernathy)
Chuck York
Joe Yurko
Larry Zent